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Teen Food Stamp Challenge
Please verify reCaptcha before submitting the form.
Sunday, January 26th at 1:30pm
Stop & Shop, Closter (400 Demarest Ave)
Each teen team will receive $30, the average daily amount provided to a family of four through the federal SNAP assistance program. Their task will be to shop for an entire day’s worth of meals for a family of four.
The goal of this event is to educate our teens on the realities faced by families who rely on SNAP benefits, highlighting the importance of budgeting, planning, and the difficult decisions many must make to provide meals for their loved ones.
RSVP by January 23rd!
Questions? Contact Dryden Levy at
Teen First Name
Teen Last Name
Teen Mobile Phone Number
Teen Email Address
Parent 1 First Name
Parent 1 Last Name
Parent 1 Mobile Phone Number
Parent 1 Email Address
Parent 2 First Name
Parent 2 Last Name
Parent 2 Mobile Phone Number
Parent 2 Email Address
Emergency Contact Full Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Relationship to Teen
Important Medical Information about my Teenager
Please utilize this space to inform Rabbi Jordan Millstein & Dryden Levy about any important medical information for your Teenager, such as allergy information or any other medical information that may impact them throughout the trip.
Please note that if your child requires medication to be administered at any point during the duration of this trip or carries emergency medication with them such as an EPI-PEN, you will be sent a permission form to complete authorizing the Temple Sinai staff to administer said medication as prescribed be your child's doctor.
All information provided will remain confidential between you, the Temple Sinai staff outlined above, and any additional personnel that you consent to being informed.
Additional Important Information about my Teenager
Please utilize this space to inform Rabbi Jordan Millstein and Dryden Levy about any important information for your Teenager that may impact them throughout the trip.
All information provided will remain confidential between you, the Temple Sinai staff outlined above, and any additional personnel that you consent to being informed.
Permission to Photograph
Yes, my teenager can be photographed AND be posted on Temple Sinai Social Media
Yes, my teenager can be photographed, but CANNOT be posted on Social Media
No, my teenager cannot be photographed
Permission to Use WhatsApp
With permission, we would like to utilize WhatsApp to create a Teen Group Chat monitored by the Temple Sinai Staff to ensure we are staying in communication with the teens throughout the duration of this trip.
Synagogue Affiliation
Temple Sinai of Bergen County
Attending as a Guest
My Teen is registered for the Full Year of Al-Haderekh.
Single Trip Participation
Parent Signature
By signing this registration form, I am granting permission for my teenager to participate in this trip as outlined above. I am also granting permission to the Temple Sinai act in the best interest of my teenager in the case of an Emergency.
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785