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Shalach Manot 2025

As an annual Temple Sinai program, sending shalach manot packages is a wonderful way to keep the Purim tradition alive. Please support this program knowing that in the spirit of this festive holiday, we can come together and celebrate. Donation levels are inclusive so all member families including ECC families & Temple Sinai staff will receive a package.  In addition to our own community, a portion of the funds raised will provide shalach manot packages for Meals on Wheels participants.  With proceeds supporting Temple Sinai Religious School students, our greater Temple community and Israel, we encourage everyone to participate!
Orders are due on Monday, February 10th!

If you have any questions or would like to know how else you can help, contact Tammy Hecht at

Please note that Temple members who live 10+ miles away, or those living out-of-state, will not have a package delivered to them this year.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785